Posts Tagged ‘Release’

"Born" Single Cover by Haley Reed Davis Fetter "Born" Promo by Haley Reed Davis Fetter "Born" Promo by Haley Reed Davis Fetter "Born" Promo by Haley Reed

On January 1st, 2013 rock & rolls savior and rejuvenator, Davis Fetter released his latest single – the driving, powerful, and not to mention catchy, “Born.”

Davis Fetter, native of California’s Inland Empire, has been playing Rock & Roll since age 12. Staying true to the roots and themes of Rock & Roll, singing songs of love and longing. His expertly crafted melodies and guitar tones resonate through the deepest strings of the soul.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Fetter via email about his newest release, in an impressive line of singles.

1. What is the inspiration for “Born?”

Born deals with the search to find a connection. When you’re young, you look for love from those around you. As you get older, you look for love from someone you can connect with. Hence the lyric “I’ve been trying to find a love of my own, ever since the day I was born.” Musically, Born was inspired by The Stooges and Chuck Berry.

2. When writing new music, what is your process? Do you start with lyrics? A melody?  Chord progression? Was it different for “Born?”

Every song is different. Sometimes lyrics come easier than the music, sometimes the music comes first. Born was written off the guitar riff. I had the music the way I wanted it first, so I demo’d it instrumentally and the words just came dead fast after that. In the case of my song “A Thought Once Uttered Is A Lie” I had the lyrics first, so I worked the music around them. For me, each song needs a theme musically or lyrically first to drive me to finish it.

3. Follow up: Did the recording process differ for “Born?”

Born was recorded in Nashville, TN. My friend has a house/studio out there so I flew out and stayed with him. I really like recording in an environment where I can focus completely on the songs and not get distracted too easily. Sometimes distractions are good though because they help you make visceral decisions artistically but with Born it was nice to hide in a studio away from home. I wasn’t planning on recording Born at first but once I showed my buddy the demo everyone in the studio got really excited about it.

4. Your songs focus on the concepts and different stages of love, where would you say “Born” falls in the spectrum?

Lyrically, Born talks about the desire to find a simple and true connection with someone. Love shouldn’t be complicated. When you’re a child, you either know love or you know lack of love. It’s simple. Somewhere along the way, as you get older, finding love from someone becomes too complicated. For me, love is unconditional or it’s not real.

5. How does “Born” differ from your previous songs and releases?

Born sets the stage for what’s to come. 2013 is the year for Rock & Roll. Born was released on Jan 1 to show this. Guitar music is important. Rock & Roll is the most expressive and honest art form I know and it’s the perfect time to remind everyone of this. In this current digital age of over thinking and overproduction it’s time we remember to feel something visceral. Rock & Roll is raw and explosive and exciting! It’s time to return to the excitement of music that’s tangible.

6. What is the significance of the number “11” in the video title?

Born is my 11th single.

7. Were you really born in a hotel lobby? (laughs)


8. Who came up with the visuals/concept for the video?

The video was directed by Haley Reed. Haley also designed the cover and oversaw the art direction for Born. When I showed her the song, she had tons of ideas. We shot the video in the middle of the California desert in the middle of the night. The desert offered the perfect landscape for the song. There’s something magical about the desert at night! The landscape fit perfectly with the message of the song.

9. Any funny stories from the “Born” video shoot?

Haha yes! We got surrounded by 50 donkeys while scouting the location. We drove up with all the gear and this swarm of donkeys surrounded the car with a look like “what the fuck are you doing here?” I think it was mating season or something cause some of the animals started having sex right in front of the car. Unfortunately, I have a severe memory burn of multiple donkeys boning at one time. During the entire filming process each of us ended up stepping in donkey shit many times. We shot for 2 days straight without much sleep at all.

10. What is in the works for you this year?

Lots of Rock & Roll this year! Get hyped! Born is just a taste of what’s coming.

11. Any announcements you’d like to make regarding upcoming shows or releases?

I will have more singles coming out later this year and tons of shows. For now, enjoy Born! More coming!

There you have it ladies and gentlemen! Prepare yourselves for the year of Rock & Roll! Great things to come! I know I personally won’t be able to watch the “Born” video without thinking of those donkeys!

A big thank you to Davis Fetter for the interview! The first of many! Such an honour! Definitely one to watch out for in 2013!

Ways to listen to “Born”
Born on SoundCloud
Born music video on YouTube

For more info on Davis Fetter check out his social media links below!

Davis Fetter’s Official Website
Official YouTube Channel

Outlawbeat OUT!

Check out this best of Davis Fetter playlist via Spotify!